Online Group Therapy

Art Therapy for Emotional Wholeness

In the movie Inside Out, the main character, Riley, is navigating many complex emotions. She had pushed the 'bad' ones away, and prioritized the 'good' ones. Some were secretly driving a negative belief about herself. As she matured, that system didn't work well. She learned she must acknowledge ALL of them in order to life a full, beautiful life. So, even though difficult emotions like sadness, anger, and fear may feel bad,  hey aren't inherently bad, and therefore, she wasn't 'bad' either. 

In fact, once all of the emotions were welcomed, she felt more peaceful and capable to take on the world. 

Riley's experience speaks to your own... and to your potential to feel whole. 

When you accept all of your thoughts and feelings with care and compassion, you will feel more at ease. You will also give yourself a chance to learn from them; they can provide valuable insight when we choose to listen. This insight is empowering. 

In this judgement free group, I will guide you to use art in a special way to embrace all of your emotions. By seeing and receiving all aspects of your human nature, you are in a better position to manage your mental health effectively. You will be learning a practical skill that builds resilience, self-compassion, and fosters connection with others. 

No art experience necessary. It is perfect for beginners who have never engaged in art therapy or even touched an art material since childhood. Each session will provide a safe space for you to explore without judgement, express ALL of you, and connect with others on a similar path.

I hope, at the end of the group, you will be loving your imperfections and celebrating your strengths more than ever before.  

Key Benefits:

Emotional Balance


Aug 7th - Oct 9th

12pm to 1pm 

(10 Consecutive Wednesdays)

Everyday Art and Mindfulness Practice 

Lost your glow, sparkle is gone? Too stressed out with all the demands of life? You know you should meditate but you just can't.

Well, then, this group is perfect for you! It is stress reduction for those who do not enjoy traditional meditation practices but find joy in creative and playful expression.

We focus on these goals: Stress reduction, clarity and self awareness, and practicing non judgement and compassion. 

Engaging in mindful art-making helps to lower stress levels by providing a relaxing and immersive activity that allows participants to focus on the present moment. The process of creating art can be meditative, offering a break from daily stressors and promoting a sense of calm. 

While you make art, you are practicing the important skill of observation of your thoughts and feelings without judgment. This heightened awareness can lead to greater clarity about your emotions and behaviors, facilitating personal growth and insight. 

Plus, because this is very playful, it is easier to let go of self-criticism and embrace self-compassion. 

The group setting provides a safe space for individuals to express themselves freely, without fear of judgment, and also offers a unique opportunity for connection and support that solo activities cannot provide.

No art experience necessary. It is perfect for beginners who have never engaged in art therapy or even touched an art material since childhood. 

Key Benefits:

Everyday Art and Mindfulness 


Aug 7th - Oct 9 


  (10 Consecutive Wednesdays)

Are you interested? 

Call me or Schedule a 'new client' consult we can make sure it is a good fit and meets your needs. 

All Groups: 

*If you want group but the times do not work, let me know. If there is enough interest, I can accommodate.